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By 2011 I had made quite a few albums. 3 With my brother Fraser, 2 Robert Burns CDs, one with Victor Besch and one traditional Scots, a few videos that had been destined for a DVD that never happened for one reason or another and a few other bits and pieces here and there. I wanted to kind off seal it all into one package. This triple disk does it. 2 CDs and a DVD. It definitely embraces all the genres I've dabbled with. The following decade has brought a few other styles and videos so maybe a Volume 2 is on the horizon.

Hits & Pieces (The First 30 Years) Double CD & DVD - Ian Bruce

  • Just don't return 'em. If ya don't like 'em..TOUGH! If it arrives bust buy another one!! I AM ONLY JOKING!.

    Let me know as soon as it arrives if it's damaged and I'll get another one to you. I trust you. I really don't need a broken one sent back.
    I hope you really do like the album! Ian

  • I ship these CD personally. They are sent first class in jiffy bags. I do not charge for packaging but I ask the standard British postal costs from here. My apologies. It can be quite expensive but I do not make up the prices nor profiteer on them. Thanks. Ian

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