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Ian Bruce & Kev Green

This was never in the plan.
I'll tell you what happened.


When my partner left me I was left with a house I could ill afford to as I had largely bowed out of the folkie limelight.

Kev came for dinner with his partner Stewart. I flippantly asked if they'd like to buy my partner out of the house. (I don't like living alone!)

To my amazement they went away and, unbeknown to me discussed the question.

They came back with an affirmative.

It's been great. Three of us living harmoniously in The Hughouse.

They didn't know that I was a musician and I didn't know that back in the good old days Kev had sung in rock bands.


I had been asked to produce the "Young Territorial" album for The London Scottish. One of the tracks is called Inverness. I had made up my mind that it would be good to write the music around a Scottish accent (me) and a London accent (Kev, Who is actually from Kent but we Cocknified him.) We love the track and it set us off  singing more together at home.

It was inevitable that we would gig together. I love our gigs together.

Kev and I have played a few clubs together now. Irvine Folk Club, Cramlington Folk Club, Stirling Folk Club, The Boolin' Club, Quarter, Leith Folk Club, The Wee Folk Club, Faversham Folk Club, Strathaven Folk Club, East Kilbride Sports Club and we have a couple of gigs together with Frank & Kath next week in Germany. (Writing this on 26th June 2023.)

On our return we've asked to open for the amazing Grant Maloy Smith at Glenfarg Folk Club on 10th July 2023. That'll be fun.


Kev has a natural gift for harmony and percussion and is indeed working on stringed instruments that are making their way slowly into the set.


We write together, we sing my songs, the odd Robert Burns, some I've written for The Land We Love and the Young Territorial Projects, the odd rock standard acoustically and other old favourites like Streets of London and The Last Thing On My Mind. We've even found out we are both fans of early Fairport Convention. It's all thrown into the mix which is encouraging the keen folk audiences to belt it out!


We find ourselves singing and playing together for all the right reasons. We're good buddies having great fun which the audiences are responding to very well.


Stirling Folk Club said "That's what a folk club night should be like." (We loved it too.)


Marianne and Charlotte at The Wee Folk Club are huge fans. (They said so.) My only problem is that they're falling in love with Kev. "Cough! Remember me????"


Alan Meikle, who ran the East Kilbride Sports Club night says "We're just getting better and better."


I'll be updating the site regularly again. Please watch this space for videos and more tracks from Kev and me.

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