Ian Bruce
Ian Bruce Solo

What a time we've all had in the last three years. I hope you've not been too
tragically touched by events?
I had Covid twice. First time was pre-vaccine and very very scary.
Seems I got through not too badly.
My diary was shaping up nicely in 2020 then the bombshell struck.
It certainly took the wind out of my sails.
However, looking back on it I realise just how productive I've been.
Released "Children of Blue" as Bruce, Besch & Bramkamp.
Released "Young Territorial" as Ian Bruce & The Tartan Spiders.
Produced & Released my brother's CD "Every Song's a Story"
Released "The Land We Love" with Pete Clark, Ian Lowthian & Bruce MacGregor.
Produced & Released "The Jim McLean Songbook"
And lately, after three years of graft in between these other projects that kept pushing it to the back burner is
"TOGETHER FOREVER" with the host of fantastic guests.
I'm kinda pleased with myself. Certainly I believe that my repertoire has been vastly expanded and a more mature version of me is back out there gigging again in one form or another.
I have been out playing solo again and I am very satisfied with the reaction.
When all my gigs were cancelled I kinda lost heart and this website went into disrepair. Please bear with me. I will get it back up to speed.
Meanwhile if you fancy getting in touch to see the auld fella once again I'd be delighted. Have a look at the calendar and see if there's maybe a place near you that would suit.
I'm back playing music for all the right reasons. I love it. Connecting again with audiences after being locked down within my four walls has been mind blowing. Lets get some momentum back up please.
My localist gigs around Scotland are mainly with Kev Green. We're having a ball.
The German gigs are with Frank & Kath. They're going very nicely too.
Everything else is solo.
I don't want to tell you what I do. Many of you, since you're on my site, will already know. Take a listen to the albums. They're all here. The Robert Burns renditions, The Traditional and the self penned work that I find hard to describe, so I won't bother trying. Save to say that I believe I am audience focused.
I'll be nipping away at this site over the next wee while. As I asked before "Please bear with me."
I hope to see you again very soon.
Ian Bruce