Ian Bruce
CELTIC MUSIC RADIO 2023 Album of The Year
The brand new DUETS album is here at last.
The horrible threat of COVID is now greatly subsided. I am right up for gigging again.

Released Summer 2023
As many of you will know, I design and edit my own website.
The downside of that is that blowing one's own trumpet about a release could sound very narcissistic and certainly biased.
It's true that I would not release an album that I was not absolutely happy with. This one is a real belter. (See? I told you it would sound big headed!!!)
For this crowdfunded release I have more or less laid down the songwriting quill and gathered together a whole batch of amazing songs that have seen me through my 67 years and hopefully beyond.
It's an eclectic collection. Every one of the 33 songs means something very dear to me.
I am thrilled that many of my folk heroes and friends are here duetting with me.
I hope it pleases its buyers / listeners as much as it does me.
Thank you so much to those who contributed to the album's release.
You can hear, buy or download the album right here or various other media.
Meanwhile, here's a track list...
CD 1
1. Cloonaholly (with Aleksander Mežek)
2. Windmills (with Sangsters)
3. Norland Wind (with Real Time)
4. Knight On The Road (with Jez Lowe)
5. Down To Old Maui (with Jim Mageean)
6. The Ballad of Johnny Ramensky (with Fraser Bruce)
7. The Tinkerman's Daughter (with Paul Hutchinson)
8. Sixteen Tons (with Debra Lyn)
9. John Kanaka (with Katharina Bramkamp & Frank Deckert)
10. The Soldier Maid (with Janet Weatherston)
11. The Last Trip Home (with Carole & Alan Prior)
12. Together Forever (with Allan Taylor)
13. Childhood's End (with Carol Jamieson)
14. 1913 Massacre (with Stephen Quigg)
15. Games People Play (with Marilyn Middleton Mellor)
16. Cod Liver Oil & The Orange Juice (with Watt Nicoll)
CD 2
1. Waterbound (with Lotus Wight)
2. The Earl o' Moray (with Barbara Dickson)
3. Stay Young (with Mike Silver)
4. Jimmy's Gone Tae Flanders (with Jim Malcolm)
5. Whaur Tae Ye Gang Tae Oor Darlin'? (with Gerry Ventilla)
6. And The Angels Sang Along (with Grant Maloy Smith)
7. Morningtown Ride (with Ragged Glory)
8. The Last Thing On My Mind (with Kev Green)
9. Gently Does It (with Bob Fox)
10. I Can't Help But Wonder (with Alastair McDonald)
11. The Spinner's Wedding (with Sheena Wellington)
12. Billy Taylor (with Artie Trezise)
13. Unicorns (with Moe & Ian Walker)
14. The Old Man's Song (with Arthur Johnstone)
15. The Last Train (just me)
16. Raglan Road (with Noel Rocks)
17. And We Sing (with Flekkefjord Sangforening)
Honesty Box
These days many listen on SPOTIFY or some other streaming service and no longer buy physical CDs.
The artist makes nothing when their album is streamed.
Normally an album is bought once and lasts a lifetime.
I use SPOTIFY in the car but then I do still buy physical CDs.
A lot of heart, time and money goes into the making of albums.
It would be really appreciated, if you intend listening to my music on a streaming service, if you could make a small contribution via the DONATE button below.
THANK YOU. Ian. xxx